School's out....and so is Summer
Again its been a while since my last entry.
After visiting my cousin in Berlin (last entry) I went with my aunt/uncle/cousins to Zillertal in Austria. There we collected wild mushrooms called "Pfifferlinge"....and cooked them up with roast deer meat....yum yum yum!
Last four weeks have been spent basically working and going to school. I've now finished my German courses and probably get about 10% of the language right!! At least my German has improved heaps and I can write an email or letter and have a conversation without too much drama. The grammar still isnt the best, but hey - cant have everything ;-)
As part of our last German course, every Friday afternoon we would go on an excursion/outing. We have been to the Fembohaus (a museum about Nürnberg), Felsenkeller (underground tunnels under Nürnberg where they used to collect water and store beer and vegetables), Lochgefängnise ("hole jails" - basically cells under the old council building where prisoners were held during the middle ages), and a nature walk up a local hill with an old tower on the hill. Each outing was coupled with a beer drinking session which was loads of fun.
Work is still pretty good, except now that the weather is getting cooler and the leaves are changing colour, I will get less work. Basically when its too cold or raining the beergarden isnt open, so I dont need to be there.
Went out drinking with my 2nd cousin the other day. Only had about 5 or 6 beers in about 2 hours, which was enough to give me a stomach ache the next day. In any case it was good to finally catch up with my cousin because we've been wanting to do it for the last four months but never found a mutually suitable time.
Tomorrow is my birthday (although as I type this it is already my birthday back home in Oz) and I am invited to lunch with some school pals, and then dinner with my cousin and his girlfriend. I'm looking forward to a lovely day.
Next on the cards is more German grammar practice, local museums, swimming, visiting relos, London, USA, Austria, Czech Republic. So plenty to do in the next couple of months before I'm back home....and looking for work.